DVD2DivX Read Me Page


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# $Revision: 1.2 $
# $Name: dvd2divx-4_0_0-1 $
# $Date: 2010/02/17 11:01:10 $
# $Author: agibert $

Welcome to DVD2DivX !

This little shell script is designed for automatise DVD ripping. It uses the great encoder program 'mencoder' from 'mplayer' package.

It currently mainly support:
   - direct or buffured extraction,
   - mp3 audio encoding,
   - none or one audio pass,
   - audio resampling,
   - audio volume correction,
   - none, one or two video passes,
   - lavc, xvid and x264 codecs,
   - video resizing,
   - video aspect correction,
   - video de-interlacement,
   - video quality setup profiles,
   - subtitles,
   - multi-threading.


dvd2divx divx_root divx_title input dvd_device dvd_title chapter angle alang slang audio abr asrate stereo volume sub video vcodec vqual vbr crop xsize aspect deint threads vopts

input options:
input:		input mode: d | db | dbo | b
			d:   read directly from disk,
			db:  bufferize and continue,
			dbo: bufferize only,
			b:   read from a preexisting buffer
dvd_device:	input device or file: - | /dev/dvd | ...
			-:	  none
			/dev/dvd: dvd device,
title:		dvd title number
chapter:	dvd chapter number
angle:		dvd angle number
alang:		audio language name or id: - | en | fr | 0 | 1 | ...
			-:  none,
			en: english,
			fr: french,
			0:  id 0,
			1:  id 1,
slang:		subtitles language name or id: - | en | fr | 0 | 1 | ...
			-:  none,
			en: english,
			fr: french,
			0:  id 0,
			1:  id 1,

audio options:
audio:		audio mode: ap | avp | fvp | n
			ap:  compress audio during audio pass
			avp: compress audio during all video pass
			fvp: compress audio during final video pass
			n:   use input audio stream)
abr:		audio bit rate
asrate:		audio sampling rate: - | xxx
			-: no resampling
			...: sampling rate
stereo:		audio stereo mode: y | n
			y: stereo
			n: mono
volume:		audio volume gain in db: - | ...
			-:   no change,
			...: gain in db

subtitles option:
sub:		subtitles mode: - | f | o
			-: no subtitles,
			f: file subtitles,
			o: OSD subtitles

video options:
video:		video mode: 1 | 2a | 2s | n
			1:  compress video in 1 pass,
			2a: compress video in 2 assymetric passes,
			2s: compress video in 2 symetric passes,
			n:  use input video stream

vcodec:		video codec: - | lavc | xvid | x264
vquality:	video quality profile: 0 | 1 | 2 | 3
			0: realtime,
			1: fast,
			2: High quality,
			3: very high quality
vbr:		video bit rate
crop:		cropping size: - | width:height:x:y
			-:		  no cropping,
			width:height:x:y: copping area
xsize:		video x size: - | ...
aspect:		video aspect: - | 4/3 | 16/9 | ...
deint:		deinterlace video: y | n
threads:	thread number: - | 1 | ...
vopts:		extra video codec options: - | ...

Batch usage example:

#             divx_root  divx_title	input	dvd_device	dvd_title	chapter	angle	alang	slang	audio	abr	asrate	stereo	volume sub  video vcodec vqual	vbr	crop          xsize aspect    deint  threads vopts
dvd2divx	cobra      1		dbo     /dev/cdrom1     10		1-	1	fr	-	-	-	-	-	-      -    -	   -      -	-	-             -     -         -      -
dvd2divx	cobra      1		b       -               -		-	-	-	-	fvp     128     -       n       10     -     2a   xvid   3     1000    -             480   4/3       y      4       cartoon

DVD2DivX is licensed under the GPL GNU Licenses.
For more information, please read the corresponding source file headers.
The license details can be found in the GNU-GPL.txt and GNU-FDL.txt files.

Enjoy it!

Your DVD2DivX Team.


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