NDS2RM Read Me Page


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# $Revision: 1.5 $
# $Name: nds2rm-1_2_0-1 $
# $Date: 2009/12/07 11:32:06 $
# $Author: agibert $

Welcome to NDS2RM:Nintendo DS Simple ROM Manger !

This little shell script (BASH) is designed for automatize simple Nintendo DS ROM Management.

There is three modes available
    - Test Mode (-T | --test):
      In this mode, nds2rm will load rom data from dsrom.xml, scan the roms repository and finally report info and statistics about what would be done in correct mode. No file are modified.
    - Correct Mode (-C | --correct):
      In this mode, nds2rm will load rom data from dsrom.xml, scan the roms repository, perform action on rom files (extract / rename / compress) and finally report info and statistics about what have been done.
    - dsrom.lst dump Mode (-D | --dsrom):
      In this mode, nds2rm will load rom data from dsrom.xml, scan the roms repository and finally dump on stdout the dsrom.lst file.
      This file is used by NinjaPass cards (http://www.ninjapass.com).

Repository structure
    The repository is minimally composed by two directory: roms and misc.
    The rom directory is full of rom files. These file can be uncompressed (.nds) or compressed. Three compressors are supported: zip, rar and 7zip. Next to a nds2rm run, the rom file names and rom archive file names follow the RRFNFS 1.2 format. Before a nds2rn run, the rom file names must start with a number followed by a space.

    In the misc directory, nds2rm is looking for the dat file: dsrom.xml. This file is comming from http://www.advanscene.com/offline/datas/ADVANsCEne_NDS.zip

RRFNFS 1.2: Rx3 Rom File Name Format Standard version 1.2
    nds2rm stores ROMs in a .nds file with a  standardized file name format:
	XXXX - NNNNNNNNNN (R=L1-...-Ln) [SS].nds
	XXXX:      id
	R:         region
        L1-...-Ln: language list
	SS:        status (OK,KO)

    nds2rm compresses each ROM file in an archive file with a standardized file name format:
      or this form for a duplicate archive:
	XXXX:      id
	R:         region
	L1-...-Ln: language list
	SS:        status (OK,KO)
	CCCCCCCC:  checksum
	FFFF:	   fingerprint
	Y:	   dup id
	ccc:	   archive suffix (zip, rar, 7z)

Statistics explanations

run statistics:
   1 roms set     to OK
   0 roms changed to OK
3560 roms kept    to OK

   0 roms set     to KO
   0 roms changed to KO
  61 roms kept    to KO

   0 roms are renumbered

This details in term of status and renumbering what has been (or would be) done.

global statistics:
3600 roms are in dsrom.dat		Number of entry in the XML dat file
3622 roms are found                     Number of ROMs found in the input repository
   0 roms are ignored                   Number of ROMs ignored by the "max idx" option
3622 roms are proceeded                 Number of ROMs proceed (found - ignored)
  22 roms are duplicated                Number of ROMs with the same id and the same status

3561 total roms are  OK                 Total number of ROMs which have the OK status
   6 roms are dup    OK                 Number of duplacted OK ROMs
3555 roms are        OK                 Number of unique ROMs which have the OK status (total - duplicated)

  61 total roms are  KO                 Total number of ROMs which have the KO status
  16 roms are dup    KO                 Number of duplacted KO ROMs
  45 roms are        KO                 Number of unique ROMs which have the OK status (total - duplicated)
  39 roms are KO not OK                 Number of unique ROMs which have the OK and not the OK status

   6 roms are missing                   Number of missing ROMs (ROMs found in the dat file and not found in the repository)

The four more important numbers are:
3600 roms are in dsrom.dat
3555 roms are        OK
  39 roms are KO not OK
   6 roms are missing

This means that on 3600 ROMs found in the dat file, 6 are missing in the repository, 3555 are found OK and 39 are found KO.

Command line help
Path options:
-i | --repo_in  :   input  repository path                  (default: /opt/public/nds)
-o | --repo_out :   output repository path                  (default: /opt/public/nds)

Mode selection
-C | --correct:           corect output repository
-T | --test:              test input repository                   (default mode)
-D | --dsrom:             dsrom.lst will be dumped
-h | --help:              print this help and exit
-V | --version:           print the version and exit

Global options
-m | --max :          maximum rom id to load from dat file    (default: 9999)
-v | --verbose:           switch on verbosity
-c | --compressor :    set archive compressor (zip, rar or 7z) (default: 7z)

Test and Correct Mode options:
-j | --jobs :       nuber of parallel jobs to run           (default: 1)
-r | --rebuild:           don't trust archive file name           (test & correct mode)
                          rebuild archives                        (correct mode)
-n | --renum:             try to renumber archives
     --list_ok:           list roms with ok status
     --list_ko:           list roms with ko status
     --list_miss:         list missing roms

	- nds2rm -T -i /opt/public/nds.new -o /opt/public/nds.new -m 3600 -n
	  it will ask nds2rm to tests the repository (/opt/public/nds.new) with renum option. Only the 3600 first roms will be used.

	- nds2rm -C -i /opt/public/nds.old -o /opt/public/nds.new -m 3600 -n
	  it will ask nds2rm to create a new repository in /opt/public/nds.new by reading an existing one from /opt/public/nds.old. Only the 3600 first roms will be processed. The roms archive with the right name format (RRNF) will not be extracted / recompressed. If needed roms will be renumbered.

	- nds2rm -C -i /opt/public/nds.old -o /opt/public/nds.new -m 3600 -r -n
	  it will ask nds2rm to create a new repository in /opt/public/nds.new by reading an existing one from /opt/public/nds.old. Only the 3600 first roms will be processed. The roms archive name format (RRNF) will not be trusted and systematically extracted / recompressed. If needed roms will be renumbered.

NDS2RM is licensed under the GPL GNU Licenses.
For more information, please read the corresponding source file headers.
The license details can be found in the GNU-GPL.txt and GNU-FDL.txt files.

Enjoy it!

Your NDS2RM Team.


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